
This is not legal advice. Don’t make legal decisions based on what you read or see here. Feel free to contact me.

I think you already know this but I have to say that the information on this website is not, and is not intended to be, legal advice. Instead, all information, content, and materials available on this website are for general informational purposes only. While I try to keep this website up to date, this website may not be the most up-to-date legal or other information. There is no representation or warranty of any kind, as to suitability, reliability, applicability, merchantability, fitness, noninfringement, result, outcome or any other matter.

You should not act or refrain from acting on a legal matter based on what you read or see on this website. If you have a legal matter, you should get legal advice from an attorney in your state. Only after hearing all the facts in your case can an attorney provide appropriate advice on your situation.

If you do have a question about any of the videos below, call me at 949-450-0444 or email me at Again, I have to say just sending a letter or an email to me does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not send any confidential information to me until we actually have an attorney-client relationship.

Mechanics Liens

Here’s a short introduction on mechanics liens in California.  It is just an overview.  Mechanics liens can be used, for example, when a building contractor does not get paid for their work.

New Partition Law

Beginning in 2022, there is a new partition law. A partition lawsuit is filed when a really unhappy co-tenant owner of real estate held in tenancy in common wants to sell their portion of the property but the other co-tenants do not want to buy out the unhappy co-tenant or sell the property. This new partition law is designed to give the judge more control of the partition lawsuit in hopes that this will reduce the cost of a partition lawsuit.

Limiting Your Liability

This is a brief overview of the different types of business organizations in California, such as sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations. It talks about the degree each kind of business organization can limit your liability. You might be surprised about how little that organization limits your liability.

Exempt Your Housing Project

The California legislature has passed several laws in an attempt to make it easier to build more affordable housing. One of them is the Density Bonus Law, which incentivizes the construction of affordable housing by allowing developers to increase building density. The law can require a city to waive building standards that conflict with project design when the project includes affordable housing.


Ever wondered whether you can buy real estate with cryptocurrency? Sure, if you exchange your cryptocurrency for dollars, there is no problem acquiring that real estate. But what if the seller is willing to take cryptocurrency as payment. How do you do it? This video gives you a quick overview on how you might do that in California. Don’t try this without legal help!

Duty of Care of Lender

Most lenders are honest people. Sometimes you might think your lender told you one thing but then did the opposite. This is quick overview, based on a California Supreme Court case, regarding whether the lender had any duty of care while handling a loan modification application. The court held the lender owes no duty to a borrower to process, review and respond carefully and completely to a borrower’s loan modification application. In other words, the borrower in this case was not entitled to damages for pure economic losses.